Discover Axel Public School: The Best Boarding School in Assam


At Axel Public School Hostel we offer a unique and enriching boarding school experience. With a focus on academic excellence, personal growth, and well-being, the hostel provides a homely atmosphere, a strong sense of belongingness, and a safe and secure environment. Students are supported by dedicated staff members and have access to impressive infrastructure, co-scholastic facilities, and personalized attention, ensuring their overall development and preparing them for a successful future.

Enriching the Boarding School Experience: Discover the Key Features of Axel Public School

Location and Greenery:

Nature's Serene Haven: Axel Public School's Idyllic Location for Holistic Learning

Nestled amidst picturesque surroundings, Axel Public School boasts a prime location that complements the overall learning experience. Surrounded by nature's beauty, the school's campus serves as an ideal setting for students to thrive academically and personally. The abundance of greenery not only provides a tranquil atmosphere but also instills a sense of appreciation for the environment.

Axel Public School's Building in Greenery
Amidst Nature's Embrace: Axel Public School nestled in lush greenery, providing an idyllic environment for students to learn and grow.

School Hostel Just Steps Away from the Campus

Furthermore, the boarding school is located just 100 meters away from the main academic campus of Axel Public School. This proximity offers convenience and easy access to all the facilities available on campus. The students benefit from state-of-the-art digital classrooms, well-equipped labs, and a vast library that houses a wide range of educational resources. This seamless integration of the boarding school with the academic campus ensures that students have ample opportunities for exploration and academic growth.

Homely Feeling and Caring Pastoral Care:

Nurturing Hearts, Creating Home: Compassionate Pastoral Care at Axel Public School

At Axel Public School, the boarding facilities are designed to offer students a homely atmosphere. The caring and kind pastoral care system ensures that every student feels valued and supported. The dedicated staff members prioritize the well-being and happiness of the students, making them feel like part of a close-knit family.

best boarding school in Assam - Axel Public School

Sense of Belongingness and Understanding:

One of the unique aspects of Axel Public School is the strong sense of belongingness and understanding among the students. The diverse yet united student community promotes inclusivity, allowing individuals from various backgrounds to come together and form lifelong friendships. This sense of unity encourages empathy, tolerance, and respect for others.

Sense of Security and Open-Mindedness:

Axel Public School places paramount importance on the safety and security of its students. The well-structured boarding system ensures a secure environment where students can focus on their studies and personal growth without concerns. Moreover, the school encourages an open-minded approach, fostering an environment where students are free to express their thoughts and ideas without fear of judgment.

secure and happy environment for Axel's boarding school students in Guwahati

Feeling of Openness and Embracement:

The boarding school experience at Axel Public School is characterized by an atmosphere of openness and embracement. Students are encouraged to explore their interests, engage in extracurricular activities, and develop their unique talents. The school offers a wide range of opportunities for personal growth and self-discovery.

Happy Atmosphere and Support:

The vibrant and joyful ambiance at Axel Public School contributes to a happy and positive environment. Students are surrounded by like-minded peers and dedicated teachers who support and motivate them to achieve their full potential. In times of difficulties, students can easily reach out to the school staff for guidance and support, ensuring their overall well-being.

Discipline and Freedom:

Axel Public School strikes a perfect balance between discipline and freedom. Within the structured framework of the school's rules and regulations, students are encouraged to express themselves freely. This approach fosters independence, self-discipline, and critical thinking skills, preparing students for the challenges of the future.

Medical Care and Welfare:

Axel Public School prioritizes the health and well-being of its students. The school provides comprehensive medical care facilities, ensuring that students receive prompt attention and care when needed. This holistic approach to student welfare underscores the school's commitment to nurturing both academic and personal growth.

Medical Care at Axel Public School, Welfare and Wellbeing, Axel Public School Health and awareness
Caring for Our Students' Well-Being: A Glimpse Inside our School Infirmary

Inspiring Leadership: Guiding Students to Success

One of the key aspects of the boarding school experience at Axel Public School is the guidance and motivation provided by the Principal and senior teachers. They understand the challenges faced by boarding students and go the extra mile to ensure their well-being and academic success. With regular interactions, mentorship, and counseling, the students receive the support they need to excel in their studies and personal growth.

Unlocking Knowledge: Special Orientation Classes at Axel Public School

To reinforce the knowledge of specific subjects, special orientation classes are conducted at Axel Public School. These classes help students deepen their understanding and enhance their learning experience. The dedicated faculty members work closely with the boarding students, providing them with personalized attention and guidance to ensure they reach their full potential.

A Home Away from Home: Comfortable and Conducive Boarding Facilities

Axel Public School boasts impressive infrastructure to cater to the needs of its boarding students. The well-furnished rooms offer a comfortable and homely environment, ensuring that students feel at ease and can focus on their studies. Each student is provided with their own study space, allowing them to create a conducive atmosphere for learning. The two-storied boarding facility provides ample space for students to relax and engage in recreational activities during their free time.

At Axel Public School, the boarding school experience is not just limited to academics. The school recognizes the importance of holistic development and provides various opportunities for students to explore their talents and interests. From sports facilities to cultural activities, the boarding students can actively participate in extracurricular pursuits, fostering their all-round development.

Academic Excellence: Nurturing Success through Innovation

At Axel Public School, the emphasis on academics is unparalleled. The school recognizes the importance of a strong foundation and strives to provide students with the extra thrust they need to excel. The dedicated faculty members employ innovative teaching methods, ensuring that every student receives personalized attention and guidance. Through a comprehensive curriculum and state-of-the-art facilities, Axel Public School ensures that its students are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate a competitive world.

Recognizing the significance of consistent support, Axel Public School offers in-house coaching to complement classroom learning. Students benefit from the expertise of experienced tutors who provide additional guidance, helping them to grasp complex concepts and sharpen their skills. These coaching sessions not only enhance academic performance but also instill confidence and self-belief in students, preparing them to face any challenge head-on.

Furthermore, Axel Public School understands that each student has unique learning needs. To address this, the school offers remedial classes that focus on bridging gaps in understanding and reinforcing fundamental concepts. These classes play a crucial role in ensuring that no student is left behind, promoting inclusive education and empowering students to achieve their full potential.

Tailored Coaching for Extraordinary Talents

In addition to remedial classes, Axel Public School provides special coaching for students who exhibit exceptional talent or face specific academic challenges. Whether it is nurturing budding artists, athletes, or scientists, the school goes above and beyond to identify and support extraordinary abilities. This individualized attention not only hones their skills but also encourages them to explore their passions, fostering a well-rounded development.

At Axel Public School, constant monitoring is a cornerstone of the boarding school experience. The dedicated staff closely monitors the progress and well-being of each student, creating a nurturing and supportive environment. Regular assessments, feedback sessions, and academic counseling ensure that students receive the guidance they need to succeed academically and personally.

At Axel Public School, we understand the importance of co-scholastic facilities in shaping a well-rounded individual. That's why we offer a wide range of activities and opportunities for students to explore their hobbies and interests. Whether it's music, dance or  art, our dedicated staff and state-of-the-art facilities ensure that every student can pursue their passions to the fullest. We believe that nurturing these talents alongside academics enhances overall development and builds self-confidence in our students.

Sports and Scholastic hand in hand

Sports are an integral part of our curriculum at Axel Public School. We firmly believe that physical fitness is essential for a healthy mind and body. Our school boasts top-notch sports facilities, including expansive grounds, well-maintained courts, and modern equipment. From football and basketball to swimming and athletics, our students have ample opportunities to engage in various sports and develop their skills. Our experienced coaches guide and mentor them, helping them realize their potential and encouraging teamwork and sportsmanship.

Students from boarding of Axel Public School train after class for football

Axel Public School is more than just a place of education; it is a place where students can truly discover themselves. The co-scholastic facilities, opportunities for hobbies and interests, and sports facilities contribute to an all-encompassing educational experience. We believe that education extends beyond textbooks, and our commitment to providing a nurturing and supportive environment reflects this belief.

Axel's boarding students have the best basketball facilities

Experiential Learning:

We firmly believe that experiential learning is the key to comprehensive understanding. Through hands-on activities, practical demonstrations, and interactive sessions, we encourage students to actively participate in their learning journey. Whether it's conducting science experiments, organizing debates, or engaging in outdoor sports, our focus on experiential learning ensures that students gain practical knowledge and develop critical skills.

Preparation of Projects:

Project-based learning is an integral part of our curriculum at Axel Public School. Students are assigned projects that require in-depth research, analysis, and presentation skills. These projects not only enhance their subject knowledge but also encourage creativity, problem-solving, and effective communication. Our teachers guide and mentor students throughout the project preparation process, nurturing their skills and encouraging independent thinking.


We believe that learning extends beyond the boundaries of textbooks. To broaden the horizons of our students, we organize regular excursions to educational and cultural sites. These trips provide students with real-world exposure, enabling them to connect classroom concepts with practical experiences. Excursions also promote social skills, independence, and cultural appreciation, fostering the overall development of our students.

Excursion, Trip to Andaman, Axel Public School, Top Schools in Guwahati,

Special Guidance while preparing for the Board Exams:

Acing the Challenge: Specialized Guidance for Board Exam Success

We recognize that board exams can be a stressful time for students. To alleviate this pressure and enable our students to perform their best, Axel Public School offers special guidance and support during their exam preparation. Our experienced faculty members understand the nuances of board exam patterns and curricula, and they provide targeted guidance to students, ensuring that they have a thorough understanding of the subjects and are well-prepared for the exams.

Axel's boarding school students ace exams through in house coaching

Navigating Paths, Shaping Futures: Career Counseling at its Best

Career Counseling:

At Axel Public School, we believe that education is not just about scoring high marks but also about making informed career choices. We offer comprehensive career counseling services to our students, helping them explore different career paths, understand their aptitudes, and make informed decisions about their future. Our career counselors provide personalized guidance, conduct aptitude tests, and offer valuable insights into various career options, ensuring that students have a clear vision of their goals.

School Counselor: Guidance and Empathy. Nurturing Minds, Supporting Hearts

We understand that academic success is intricately linked to the emotional well-being of our students. To address any emotional or psychological challenges that students may face, Axel Public School provides the services of a dedicated school counselor. Our school counselor creates a safe and confidential space where students can express their concerns, seek guidance, and receive the necessary support to overcome obstacles. They offer counseling sessions, workshops, and individualized support, ensuring that our students thrive both academically and emotionally.

Teachers Available 24x7:

Unparalleled Support: Teachers Always By Your Side.

At Axel Public School, we firmly believe in the importance of continuous support for our students. To facilitate this, our teachers are available round-the-clock, ready to address any doubts or queries that students may have. Whether it's clarifying concepts, providing additional study materials, or offering guidance on exam preparation strategies, our teachers are dedicated to ensuring that students have all the resources they need to succeed. With their expertise and availability, our teachers become trusted mentors, guiding students towards academic excellence.

Personalized Attention:

We understand that every student is unique and has different learning needs. At Axel Public School, we prioritize personalized attention to ensure that each student receives the support they require. Our small class sizes enable teachers to focus on individual strengths and weaknesses, tailoring their teaching methods accordingly. This personalized approach fosters a deeper understanding of subjects, encourages active participation, and boosts overall academic performance.

If you are seeking the best boarding school that offers exceptional academic and co-curricular opportunities, Axel Public School is the perfect choice. Join our community and experience the boarding school life that will shape your future. Visit our website to learn more about Axel Public School and how you can become a part of our esteemed institution.