Intraclass Competitions at Axel Public School - A Blast of Enthusiasm and Fun!


Intraclass Competitions at AxelPublic School - A Blast of Enthusiasm and Fun!

The classrooms of Axel Public School were buzzing with excitement on 17 May 2023, as students from classes 1 to 9 participated in a range of thrilling competitions. From Calligraphy to DIY, Calendar Design to Storytelling, the talent displayed was truly remarkable!

The energy and enthusiasm showcased by our talented students were beyond words. Their passion and creativity illuminated the whole atmosphere, making the competitions an unforgettable experience for everyone involved.

Class I Words Worth

The little poets of Class I mesmerized us with their heartfelt recitations, showcasing their creativity and love for language. It was a beautiful display of emotions through words!

Axel Public School, Best Schools in Guwahati, Intraclass Competitions.

Class II Calligraphy Competition

The Calligraphy competition witnessed graceful strokes and artistic flair, with students showcasing their penmanship skills with utmost finesse. The DIY competition witnessed incredible innovation and resourcefulness, as students crafted amazing creations from everyday materials.

calligraphy competition, Intraclass Competition Axel Public School.

Class III DIY (Do It Yourself)

The students of Class III showcased their ingenuity and environmental consciousness by creating stunning masterpieces out of waste materials. Their creativity and resourcefulness were commendable.

DIY competition, Axel, Intraclass Competition Axel Public School.

Class IV Readathon

The students of Class IV indulged in an immersive reading experience during the Readathon. Their enthusiasm for books and stories was infectious, fostering a love for reading among all participants. Keep turning those pages, bookworms.

readathon competition, reading competetion Axel Public School, Intraclass Competition Axel Public School.

Class V The Story Weaver

The talented storytellers of Class V mesmerized everyone with their exceptional storytelling skills. With their vivid imaginations and expressive voices, they transported the audience to enchanting worlds filled with tales of adventure and wonder. What captivating storytellers!

Axel Public School Intraclass Competition, story telling, story weaver,

Class VI – Caption the Photo Contest

Class VI students showcased their creativity and wit in the Caption the Photo Contest. Their clever captions added a whole new dimension to the captivating images, leaving everyone smiling and impressed. Amazing work, young wordsmiths!

Class VII Calendar Design

The Calendar Design competition brought out the imagination of our budding designers, who showcased their talent by creating stunning and visually captivating calendars.

Class VIII Articulate (Famous Speech)

The students of Class VIII took the stage with confidence, delivering powerful speeches inspired by famous personalities. Their eloquence and passion left a lasting impact, reminding us of the power of words to bring change. Bravo, future orators!

ClassIX Archineers (Futuristic Designing)

The students embraced the future in the Archineers competition, where they showcased their innovative designing skills. Their futuristic creations, combining technology and imagination, left everyone awestruck.

We are overwhelmed by the incredible response we received from all the participants. Your dedication, hard work, and talent have truly impressed us. We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to each and every student who participated and poured their heart and soul into these competitions. You made this event a success!

The moment we've all been waiting for is almost here! The results of these amazing competitions will be announced soon. Stay tuned to witness the triumphs and celebrate the achievements of our talented students.